Meme time from Sunday Stealing.
One Thing .....
that makes you smile:
Lexie, of course. :D
that makes you cry:
that you love to do on the weekends:
that you do for only yourself:
that you have in your underwear drawer that's NOT underwear:
that you do before going to sleep:
that you do within the first 15 minutes after waking:
that's in your purse: that you actually LIKE to clean:
that you DETEST cleaning:
that other people would find odd about you:
that you would buy if I handed you a $100 bill:
that you feel you HAVE to do before you die:
Travel. Soo many places I want to go to.
1. Three things that scare me:
Ghosts, pain, loved ones leaving me.
2. Three people who
make me laugh:
Cs, Lexie, myself.
3. Three things I love:
money, money and money. Materialistic? You said things, not people.
4. Three things I hate:
Can I not answer this? Lazy la.
5. Three things I don't understand:
Advanced maths, why people we love die, why the world isn't fair.
6. Three things on my desk:
Fruits, tissue paper, bottle warmer.
7. Three things I'm doing right now:
This, eating apples, and waiting for the bathroom.
8. Three things I want to do before I die:
Kiss Lexie, travel, have a screaming orgasm.
9. Three things I can do:
Cook, dance, sing. You didn't say do well.
10. Three things I can't do:
Sing, be patient, act like I care.
11. Three things you should listen to:
Elders, dunno.
12. Three things you should never listen to:
Rubbish, talk from stupid people, and er I dunno Justin bieber?
13. Three things I'd like to learn:
a new language, cook more dishes, and how to earn more money
14. Three favorite foods:
pizza, jap, and desserts.
15. Three beverages I drink regularly:
plain water, water and coke.
16. Three shows I watched as a kid:
disney cartoons.
Yah quite boring I realize. Bye.