Happy Wesak Day! Its public holiday again! Yes! Nice Friday. Today feels like Saturday. We go back to work on Monday then rest on Tuesday and Wednesday, cos its holidays again.
Happy Gawai to all of you celebrating. I got quite a few wishes myself being an Iban girl heh heh. No, I do not celebrate Gawai. Our little Iban family celebrate by spending time together. Many thanks for all the wishes though, I will still have a good holiday thank you!
Amazingly I am awake by 830am on a public holiday *gasp* Have my body finally adjusted to working hour time? Did my body
finally get used to waking up by 8am now? After 25 years? Alas no. I had err stomache ache.
I have spent the past three hours playing with Cherrie non stop. It is getting tiring. I totally get what mum meant about
taking care of a baby. Good God Cherrie is sooo energetic and waay to active at 9 in the morning. Running after her, trying to stop her from biting my toes, my slippers, my book, my phone, my bracelet, my hair etc..The list is never ending.
I have spent two hours trying to persuade her to sleep. Tried to play with her, run around with her, fed her milk and biscuits, let her walk around in the carpark (did not work. She only shit and pee outside), let her bite her toys, play with her some more. Finally it seemed like she has worn herself out. The naughty girl is finally sleeping. So here I am. Resting too.
OK. Here comes a picture heavy post of Damai! We went to Damai on the 22nd of May. Birthday boy's exact day. Most of us were working in the morning, so after work (me) at 1230pm, I went to tapau McD for the four of us!
The woman at Mcd cheated me out of one Large Fries. She put one fries into my bag only! Alas. I did not check. Partly my fault as well. But the queue was so long, I did not want to hold everyone up.
It was a good thing we chose to go to Damai on 22, and not 28 May. I have a feeling that Damai Puri would not be as empty this weekend! The long weekend where most people would be on leave!
As it is, we were lucky that we got to play on the kids slide, swim as long as we like, and be as roudy as we are. Not much people at the resort. Nice. Kuching is so small though; I met a colleague there that weekend..
1) Shirley, Chris, cs, and I squeezed into one bed. That day, ah ong, nana, John, ah boon & gf, Alvin & wife were also present. So that makes 11 of us.

2) Everyone brought food along. So we had enough food and alcohol to feed our whole group for a week! There were a lot of instant noodles. Packets of chips, chocolate, peanuts, kuihs, beer, liquor, red wine, loaves of bread, a can of tuna, packet of cheese, kaya, and so on and so forth.

3) Yes, we people are scared to starve to death! Everyone brought extra food in case someone else forgot to bring food! So we had more than enough food!

4) They brought a crate of beer! This was less than half actually. There were actually more in the freezer. Carlsberg! Needless to say, we did not finish this.

5) Ah ong brought this too. Apparently you are supposed to drink this with milk or just plain with ice. It was quite sweet and the overall effect was similar to baileys. Just sweeter and less liqueur taste. That was what I thought lar.

6) I like the adult pool. So relaxing. It was not crowded that day. So nice. We had the pool almost to ourselves!

7) Another view of the adult pool..

8) Shirley walking by..

9) I have never stayed at this pool wing before actually. Every time we go there, we get the sea wing. Why? What is the difference between the rooms, I wonder. Hmm..

10) The couple not looking at my camera. Shy issit? This is why you should embrace vanity.
like me Since I could not find better photos of you guys in the pool, we have to make do with this one. Haha.

11) Ehh its a nice long weekend. I want to go swimming again. At night, preferably. Anyone else interested?

12) Nice view but we look horrible...

13) Photo would look better without me in it..

14) At night, we went to Buntal for dinner. Ordered way too much food and everyone ended up so bloated that we had trouble drinking the beer and all that alcohol they brought up.

14) We opened a bottle of red wine during dinner itself...

15) Some photos from dinner..

16) I think the restaurant name was No. 88. Cheap and good food. Actually I think since most of us were starving from swimming and the beach air or whatever, even Maggi mee would taste good..

17) Alot of mosquitoes that night despite all the mosquito coils laid around us..

18) Haha they both look so cute in this photo below. Especially wee lee.

19) After dinner activity..

20) Eat and drink some more and chat till late into the night..

21) Many thanks to Alvin and wife who stayed late with the four of us talking and drinking!

Yea that is what I wear to sleep at night. Big baggy oversized nightgown with cartoon characters! Super comfy.

22) Poser photos ahead, which do not require captions. In a hurry cos Cherrie is awake! Running around me now.




26) The bf has no other pose haha. I am also lousy at taking artistic/creative looking photos.

27) This is no better.

28) From bad to worse...

29) Practically empty pool!

30) Shirley and her Pink dress!

31) I like this photo. Looks touristy..


33) This is my sunblock! Kicks ass I tell you. Shisheido (how to spell lazy to google). A bit pricey for a small bottle but its okay cos its never ending haha. I bought it last year and am still using it now.
I manage to come back to Kuching in the same shade of skin every time I go to Damai! But that is also cos I am a freak. I don't go to the beach like Shirley and Chris in the photos above, when the sun is so bright!
Notice that my photos in the pool are always in the shade. Never in the direct sunlight. Yes. I admit. Freak.

Happy Gawai and Happy Holidays!
It is the middle of the afternoon and my parents are enjoying Tsing Tao with karaoke. Ha! Inherited, I tell you..